
The 3 Suns

Beloved star wanderers,


the information is bubbling up like a waterfall right now and falling into place like pieces of a puzzle. Today, I was allowed to decide which topic I would give preference to, as they relate to different areas.


My decision fell on the 3 suns orbiting the earth (yes, you read that right). 


During one of my last missions on the "Pallas Athena" (Ukeron's command ship), I was able to view this spectacle from space, deeply impressed.


All three are very close and have almost something threatening. Because of their close proximity, one might think they were on a collision course, but this is deceptive. Until recently, the two suns, so far invisible from Terra, were cloud-shrouded and active only in astral space. In the course of the last months their radiation has intensified - just like that of the sun known to us Earth citizens - and we have all felt the effects.


Since July 27, 2021 the other two suns are free of frequency veils (clouds) and increasingly begin their direct influence on Gaia. Even the "small" doses of increased solar frequency are a mammoth program for our physical bodies! I was so exhausted the day before yesterday (without having exerted myself in any way) that I had to go horizontal and fell into an almost comatose sleep for several hours. So my urgent plea to you: give your body what it needs!  You are all here because you want to experience the transition and the leap of consciousness live. This is possible only, if you lovingly take care of your body which is such a loyal friend to you and, do not burden it with foreign substances under any circumstances. 


So, don't be surprised if things get even more violent in the coming weeks and months with three active suns emitting 5D plasma and 5D radiation. This is true especially for those who reside in the Northern Hemisphere.


For those of you who have already integrated 5D plasma into your body, I have this tip: Focus on creating a CONSONANCE in pulse and frequency along the chakra nadis.


Usually, the chakras are differently active and some - depending on the element weighting - work stronger, others weaker. They pulsate in different frequencies. In this context, I would also like to refer to the previously presented spirit power symbols (see Life, Will, Love, Power - use Deepl for translation), which really do a good job here and provide excellent support in harmonizing and balancing the chakras as well.


The most important chakras are 1-7 (aligned, this is important!); it is advantageous to include the earth star (in line with your first chakra, at least 30cm below your feet, anchored in earth) and soul star (8th chakra) as well. However, since it is already a challenge to focus on 7 chakras at the same time and to open and hold the perception for the specific pulse (it is not about creating a specific vibration yourself), I advise to really leave it at that in the beginning.  I myself started with the pineal gland (it is the gateway to higher dimensions and paves the way to all the other steps) before the heart chakra took up unison next. So then one chakra is added after another and there is no particular order. I could well imagine that this is different for everyone.  In any case, start with the pineal gland (which is linked to the 7th chakra) - then you will have a much easier time with all the other chakras.  If you don't have any experience with the activation of the pineal gland, please contact me. There are many different exercises and possibilities and for sure there is also the right one for you!


Those who are not sure whether they have already stored 5D plasma in their body - and if so, whether the entire body has already absorbed it - are also welcome to contact me for help. As a rule, depending on personal disposition, this process takes place gradually over the course of several weeks or months.  In my experience, it always begins to flow in through the chakras.  After that, the order seems to be arbitrary. In my case, there were organs that absorbed it immediately (it was fastest in the bloodstream); others filled up with it only when the entire skeleton was already charged.


The comprehensive metabolization of the 5D plasma is a prerequisite for the materialization (i.e. physically manifest in appearance, the actual crystalline transformation of the physique) into appropriately prepared bodies, which began a few days ago.  This process takes incomparably longer - there we speak of a minimum of 2-3 years (according to the present state - you know what the time depends on).


There is really a lot going on in the ether! At the moment the inhabitants of Ganymede (3rd and biggest moon of Jupiter) are suffering from hunger, because the Galactic Federation Fleet was not yet able to remove the occupants, and transports of relief packages are taking place. I'm sure many of you know, it's not just about the liberation of humanity on Earth, but other colonies (Moon, Mars, and various Saturnian and Jupiter moons) are also affected by thousands of years of enslavement.


Getting a glimpse from time to time of all the different areas of operation in the fleet puts my own impatience and feeling that nothing is progressing into perspective. All of us who had already taken awakening steps have been waiting for decisive changes for more than 1.5 years and are often frustrated because the same global players are still in power and slavery is climbing ever new heights. The news in the relevant channels are repetitive and bring nothing really new. One can lose hope - it happens to me from time to time, when I am shocked to see that so many people - regardless of their convictions and who they believe - have simply switched off their common sense and are only following the rules of the system. I suddenly have doubts that we earthlings will make it.


Then, I remember that these doubts are there to strengthen my will.


And with new strength I move forward.


Namasté, Gods in human bodies!


V. D. Shadar

Sirian Ambassador

Galactic Federation Ground Crew



Artist:  Feliks Konczakowski

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