
Pleiadian Love Relationships

(Preliminary note from Shadar: Enjoy this post along with this music. It makes Ukeron's words sink in much deeper!) 



Fellow travelers on this evolutionary adventure, welcome aboard!


 I am especially pleased to be able to speak to you today - particularly, because Shadar had some doubts and reservations about her perception that are absolutely unfounded. And especially, because tonight you have a "Blue Moon" that correlates with one of the suns in the Pleiades - Alcyone, my home star, a blue sun.


As you may know, I also had some incarnations on Terra (see the post), but these are quite a while ago now. I have not used so far the possibility of transmitting messages through others, unlike Ashtar. But my intimate connection with Shadar made me accept her invitation to talk about us Pleiadians and our relations. Until now this was not possible, because otherwise I would have unnecessarily made her a target of possible manipulation. In the meantime, however, our efforts for the liberation of mankind have progressed so far that she is no longer exposed to any immediate danger.


Transfers to Khalthar continue and we are really busy with the removal of negative entities and alien race members who only wanted to exploit the planet and its inhabitants. These transfers, the associated negotiations, and their smooth operation are my primary responsibilities at the moment; therefore, Shadar and I have little time together.


 The purpose of today's message is to convey a little more about us Pleiadians and Terrans. There is not really a difference between us - except that you cannot remember. You can't remember who you really are.

But your consciousness is there! It is dormant within you, waiting to be reawakened. Perhaps you sense a part within you that has been waiting all your life. Not for a savior or a knight in golden armor or even a redeemer - it is not about salvation from outside, even though you may have interpreted it that way. It's not about salvation through Jesus or extraterrestrials or your love partner, even if they all do their part.


It feels different. It's a part of you, a part of your very consciousness, waiting for YOU to REMEMBER. The actual RELEASE of your awareness takes place within you and you alone decide when this will be. This step we cannot and must not do for you.



Your full conscious being could not incarnate into this reduced human DNA version (this subject has been discussed many times elsewhere, so I will not go into it here). Therefore, it has remained in the higher dimensions; not separate from you, but not readily accessible through the frequency veil. Your consciousness can embody itself everywhere and at any time.  Your human body is an AVATAR, a shell for your existence. It is important that you really UNDERSTAND this information! It is your consciousness (you call it the Self) that perceives through the physical eyes and ears. It is your spirit that smells in the 3rd dimension by means of a nose and tastes with a tongue. You are not your eyes, you are not your ears, you are consciousness that is in a body!


This body is sacred because it allows you to have experiences in this dimension, but it IS NOT YOU!


It is a part of you with its own awareness, but it is not YOU (as an entire being! When you give up this over-identification, space is automatically freed for more consciousness.


This fact is important in many ways. I mention it today specifically in the context of you departing somewhat from the life concept of who can have relationships with whom. With Shadar, currently embodied as a Terran (she's actually Sirian, but even that doesn't matter under the previous premise), I share a deep love that is much older than a human lifetime.  We both knew that she would not remember this when she chose her soul growth and service on Earth.  This involved a commitment on my part not to make contact - which was not easy, as you can imagine. I missed her - all the more, because I was always near without permission to make myself noticed. 


I was all the more surprised when one day she showed up at a meeting on the Jerusalem (Ashtar's command ship) and quite obviously began to remember as she walked purposefully toward me! I can't wait for her memory to fully activate and reconnect with her entire consciousness, but I'm not allowed any accelerating intervention in this process - unfortunately! By doing so, I would be destroying the plan that she herself had set and interfering with her decision and free will. This is a "no go" as you would say. I respect and love her too much for that.


What I am saying is, start thinking not just globally, but galactically and universally. Relationships not only with a human of another earthly race, but with other beings everywhere in the galaxy and universe are possible. Create space in your consciousness for greater things, stop thinking small and stop hiding your true and powerful self away.


In my homeworld Pallas (third planet of Alcyone) we Pleiadians live in a matriarchy (note of Shadar: The Pleiades are also called the 7 sisters!). We worship the Feminine Principle of Creation from the bottom of our hearts - and the woman, in particular. SHE is the incarnated power of creation. No one knows more about it than her.  The Male Principle of Creation is intention and will, but it is the Female Principle of Creation that gives form, color and sound, fragrance and pleasure to everything. She is the beauty, harmony and softness in creation. We Pleiadian men SERVE the Feminine Principle of Creation.  Thus, a very special status arose for the women in our lives - there is nothing more important in our social interactions than their well-being. Accordingly, we have developed a strong protective instinct and travel widely in space to preserve them and our culture.


On Pallas, the woman in the family manages the assets and property, for we know and appreciate the wisdom and prudence with which she approaches things. Both parents take care of the upbringing of the children, but she always has the last word.  The woman chooses the man she wants to be with (always provided that the affection is mutual) and if there are several suitors, a community of several men around one woman may well result.  If they part ways, the property remains with the woman - the man takes only what he needs for daily use. If children have resulted from the relationship, they decide for themselves with whom they wish to live.


 I have the utmost respect for Shadar and admire her and every female soul on Terra beyond measure for that they voluntarily gave up this deep appreciation of the female, which is natural in the higher dimensions.


Shadar and I met on Sirius B - that's a few thousand years ago according to your time calculation and we lived together on Pallas - which she can't remember yet. "Time" runs differently in the higher dimensions. From the 4th dimension, the astral world, Akasha (the space- and timeless cause principle) works differently, which is a bit difficult to explain.  Time moves more and more towards the NOW, the everlasting present. The higher the dimension, the more one lives and moves into NOW. That means, one gradually loses awareness for past and future (or better: the relevance of yesterday and tomorrow permanently decreases) - everything steps closer together and becomes SAME-TIME.  There is less and less "was" and "will be", everything merges to one time - the NOW, the IS. 


Paradoxically "time" then flows slower, which is why I just spoke of millennia.


It is the same with the term SPACE.  In Akasha (the hyperspace is a part of it) no distances exist, which is why even the jump into other galaxies is possible in conceivably shortest time. For the consciousness itself there are no distances to bridge at all; it can move anywhere at any time. Hyperspace is used for space travel, i.e. physical objects that can change their density. This technology varies depending on the star race and their evolution.


Shadar and I have two adult children who have both become  space travelers - just like us. However, they are not globetrotters  like us - they have not incarnated yet in other star systems. They are still young souls, who make their first material experiences as Pleiadians.


 It is quite common on our worlds to form love relationships and strong bonds with members of other star races.  Whether Pleiadians and Sirians or Arcturians and Andromedans, there are many partnerships on our ships and planets, and most of them are in great harmony and work wonderfully. There are also connections between Extraterrestrials and Terrans, which are however - for DNA reasons - thinly sown. In such cases, the respective partners usually both choose earthly embodiments, in order to remain united.


I mentioned earlier that there is not much difference between our races except that of consciousness. In fact, within the Galactic Federation, the Pleiadians are the closest to Earth humans in terms of spiritual and mental development of consciousness, which is one reason why we make up the largest percentage of the fleet. You are going to go soon there where we are now.


 We are all very much looking forward to the first physical contact and are eagerly awaiting your leap in consciousness, which is approaching and is imminent. We have been supporting this shift on earth for quite some time - remember that time has been running differently in your dimension so far and the actual leap is irrevocably dependent on how each and every one of you decides. The "critical mass" has not yet been reached. 


With endless love for each and every one of you. You  all are kindred souls, all of you are brothers and sisters to us.



Delta 4 Wing Commander

Galactic Federation 

Ashtar Command


P.S.  With Shadar's permission, I would like to let you know that we are writing a book together about our story, which will be published soon. If you want, you can pre-order it directly from her


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Artist: Ina Wong

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